caste|castes in English



one of the four classes into which Hindu society is separated; class, station, social position; status

Use "caste|castes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "caste|castes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "caste|castes", or refer to the context using the word "caste|castes" in the English Dictionary.

1. Hinduism - Hinduism - Castes: The origin of the Caste system is not known with certainty

2. Unlike the Indian Caste system, which had hundreds if not hundreds of separate Castes, we basically have two.

3. The foundation of Brahmanical Patriarchy lay in the collective subordination of women and lower-castes so that upper-caste men could control both wealth and labour.

4. Caste definition is - one of the hereditary social classes in Hinduism that restrict the occupation of their members and their association with the members of other Castes

5. Brahmin is one of the four Hindu castes. (1) Representing the fourth and highest Hindu caste or varna in the ancient system, Brahmins are characterized by their contemplative nature

6. We are a very strong caste, a gypsy caste.

7. 12 We are a very strong caste, a gypsy caste.

8. Wilkerson: Caste is something that we apply to India, the original Caste system

9. The term ‘Brahminical Patriarchy’ is an ideology by which upper castes have ritually, socially and economically marginalised the women and lower castes

10. Same caste preferred.”

11. Racism is defined as 'poor treatment of people because of their race while as Casteism is a blind group loyalty towards one's own caste or sub-caste, which does not care for the interests of other castes, and seeks to realize the social, economic, political and other interests of its own group'.

12. The upper Caste is the white majority (equated to the Indian Brahmin upper Caste), the lower Caste is the Black minority (equated to Indian Dalits), and the middle Caste is comprised of undifferentiated “Hispanics” and Asians, striving to make it into the upper Caste.

13. It was open to all castes , cults , creeds and religions .

14. 12 In the caste system social closure is achieved through prohibitions which prevent members of a caste from marrying outside their caste.

15. Politics of Backwardness The hierarchy of the system of castes and sub-castes is still a strong part of our social system

16. He loved royalty, caste, empire.

17. Today every caste in India is my caste , . the food of all is my food . "

18. Modern theorists, however, assume that Castes arose from differences in family

19. He won't be half-caste.

20. But the higher castes advanced in all directions.” —May 4, 1982.

21. Temporal and spiritual power was divided between the two highest castes.

22. 5 Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali.

23. The Castrati were among the most interesting castes of musicians ever conceived

24. The settlement follows the caste pattern .

25. The caste system was rigidly enforced.